Mobire ESG and Sustainability Strategy

The environment around us is evolving faster than ever, fostering the changing nature of opportunities and risks. As a responsible company, it is important for us to manage resources efficiently and responsibly, without compromising the value we create for our customers. The pursuit of sustainability has always been with us, but we believe it is necessary to give more attention to the drivers that have a significant impact, in a more systematic way and across the value chain.

ESG and Sustainability Vision

Mobire is the preferred vehicle rental service provider in the Baltics, valuing sustainable thinking in all its activities. We lead by example in environmental responsibility, social inclusion, and good governance, while providing our customers with valuable and sustainable solutions.

A Sustainable Vehicle Fleet

By offering vehicle rental services, we maximize the client’s need-based vehicle use without ownership. Depending on the client’s needs, we guide their attention towards environmentally friendly vehicle choices, increasing the share of electric and hybrid cars in our fleet each year. We aim to further contribute to the goal of climate neutrality through our activities and rely on science-based approaches in managing environmental impact.

To reduce our environmental impact, we focus on:

  • A sustainable vehicle fleet, reducing greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles, and ensuring stakeholder activities minimize environmental impact across the value chain.
  • Providing quality vehicles in circulation to facilitate the circular economy, ensuring that well-maintained and serviced vehicles can be used to their maximum potential.

Our Employees Well-Being

Our employees are the cornerstone of our company’s success and the creation of long-term value. As an employer, we value personal initiative and encourage the implementation of innovation. The high recommendation index for our employer shows that employees feel great in the work environment and recommend it to others.

To maintain employee well-being, we focus on:

  • Engaging employees to emphasize the importance of personal initiative and responsibility. We recognize suggestions and ideas from employees.
  • Continuously developing employees professionally and supporting their growth.
  • Finding a balance between work and personal life. We support employees’ personal well-being with key benefits such as paid health days, sports compensation, remote work opportunities, and joint events.

Quality of Service

Mobire aims to provide positive client experiences. Our services are of high quality, we have strong client service, and we can meet the needs and expectations of our clients. The very high recommendation index from clients reflects their satisfaction and willingness to recommend Mobire as a service provider to others. We develop services considering customer expectations to continue long-term collaborations.

To ensure quality of service, we focus on:

  • Raising awareness of ESG and sustainability issues among customers to promote more responsible consumption and reduce environmental impact.
  • Maintaining client satisfaction as service availability increases.
  • A fair and transparent marketing policy so that we clearly share our responsibilities and customers can make informed decisions.

Protecting client data for purposeful processing and ensuring customer privacy.

A High Business Ethics

We keep the company’s management culture consistent to ensure clarity of values and objectives to achieve shared results.  We follow good corporate governance practices, ensuring anti-corruption, avoidance of conflicts of interest and transparency in all business activities. A high business ethics is essential to ensure a fair and ethical business environment, to prevent wrongdoing and to build trustworthy relationships across the value chain.

The goals set to increase the positive impact of our ESG and sustainability strategy are integrated into our business strategy and daily operations. We continuously improve our processes to mitigate and alleviate the risks associated with a changing environment, and we strive to develop impactful opportunities across all business lines. We consider it important to be a knowledgeable partner for our clients in making sustainable choices and to inspire our collaborators to address sustainability issues. Together, we can achieve an even greater positive impact.